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DAN SCOTT: CNN Fraud Unmasked

In a classic case of media manipulation, CNNs Larry King Live helped propagate the cause of the Kosovo refugees this evening. During the LKL show, Mr. King broke away for what was to be interpreted as a live report from Kukes, Albania with Christiane Amanpour. This report was aired at approximately 9:20 PM EST, which in turn would be 3:20 AM in Kukes.  Amazingly, in a feat of mythic proportions, the sky behind Amanpour was a brilliant blue, somehow evading the typical night time scene expected of a 3:20 AM report. Nonetheless, Mr. King acted as if he were asking Amanpour the questions, and she acted as if she was answering them. During the course of her report, she mocked the Serbs cease fire by stating that, "With our cameras trained over the border we were able to see men in white masks, with cans of gasoline. These cans of gasoline were then tossed over, or thrown on the houses, and then ignited with a torch or a match."  She proceeded to leave the impression that the evil, barbaric Serbs had already broken their promise of cease-fire.

With common sense and even a skeletal knowledge of the situation, it was frighteningly obvious that the report had been taped earlier in the day prior to the 8:00 PM deadline of the Serb cease-fire, and then replayed to appear as a live broadcast, many hours after the cease-fire had been enacted.

Once again, CNN is guilty of omitting the truth in order to propagate what seems to be a pro-Kosovar Albanian agenda, and continuing to demonize the Serbs. It is this hidden media editorialization that is helping drive the increased public furor over the situation in Kosovo.

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