The Story of my Life...

Once upon a time there was a distant country, really, really distant, and it couldn't have possibly been this Serbia of ours, but some other... And in this country there was a protest, to me - an honorable, respectful citizen - completely boring and strange, but... I happened to find myself one day at the square of the city, worrying one of the sweet worries of a good man who is at service to the state in all affairs. And just as I was about to turn the page of the newspaper of the city which was writing about the party that was thrown in the honor of the statesman's son, whose first tooth just started to grow, just as I was, filled with joy and pleasure, turning the page, when I was startled from my thoughts, too sweet, by a horrible noise and clamor, abominable to all, country-loving, dear-to-God creatures. I looked, with horror, when, there...there was a sight to see. A procession of gray-haired, grey-bearded old men, shouting from the top of their voice and blowing some kind of pipes, carrying papers on which the following was written: "It's the truth we want", "Jailoran, return what you took!" (Jailoran was the statesman of the place). I look, and I can't believe my eyes. They were waving their walking sticks and shaky hands excitedly, screaming with their week old-men's voices, while their knees were buckling. I hardly recovered from all the surprise and asked myself what is it that can be so awful to make the greatest wits and experience, these gray-bearded old men shout so vigorously...A smart man, belonging to my class, explained to me that those were the people who were lazy, having nothing better to do, and that I shouldn't stand here so long, but should mind my own business.

I was in an awe in all my, God-given, but, oh, so human fearfulness, so I crossed myself and ran. A few more fearful students , who were seeking shelter from the terrifying sights of old men, ran with me. We remained hidden in a dark passageway until the crowd dispersed, and I heard this strange conversation: "Well, this students really overdid it, they make noise all day, one cannot go to work,cannot go home..." I looked, amazed..., if those old men were students, then who are these...? The conversation continued:"Oh, what horror...Had I seen my boy, so I can take him home by the ear, I, with my honorable age of 60 should know what I am doing. What do they need that they don't have, they should work, there is no thing without work... we never had much more." I looked at the one who looked not older than twenty and noticed their hostile looks. "And you, you would protest, now wouldn't you?.." "No.., I, by no means, I am a peaceful citizen, loyal to the state and law..", but they heard me not, instead a fist was raised, and...

I awoke from a burdensome dream,in cold sweat, and told myself: "Well, thank God that such awful, abominable things never happen in this country of ours", so I turned my head and fell into an innocent-minded citizen's sleep.

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