The best of the FEST
The 25th, anniversary FEST was opened with "A whistle at half past eight" because the organizers of the festival could not find The man who would open it. "Ridicule on Dedinje" surprised the "Secrets and lies" adapted from the intimate (news) journal of the first lady of Serbia. The film that also aroused great interest was "Disabled, in need of an aphrodisiac", the confessions of the President - how to be with one's wife, yet remain normal? (starring Mira Beastino). "Portrait of a lady Dana" was filmed in JULy last year. In this movie, which deals (in a popular manner) with the love between "A mentally deranged woman" and "A hairy, bearded, halfmad monster", the original comments of Milorad Komrakov and Spomenka Jovic from the prime-time news were used. But, what really marked the anniversary FEST was the gesture of the President of the Republic. His touching gesture literally brought tears to our eyes; although he didn't directly tell us that he loved us this time, the club penetration gave him away. The President, having seen that tens of thousands of people remained in front of the Sava Center without tickets, decided to bring the drama from the movie screen closer to the masses. Tens of thousands of people received the opportunity of viewing and feeling all the vastness of the movie production of "Cop Film" and "M.M. export-import". The first movie that was played, with the assistance of tear gas, was "Smoke"; afterwards many were "Blue in the face", and not only in the face, but in other bodily parts as well. The film "Head above water" wasn't shown out of technical reasons, because, after the "aquatic" activities at the Branko's Bridge, nobody's head remained above water. The President once again showed "The grace of his heart". Here and there and on the small scene, the following films were shown: "Who's afraid of the big bad Vuk", "Buba (Morina) Svaba*" - a film with a profascist theme, about the refugees, permeated with concern for the family. The audience was also thrilled with the Italian film "Vesna moves too quickly (when chased with a club)". Films such as "Dragan TOMic and Jerry McGuire", "(L)EGGS (hardboiled)", "The American patient Milentijevic", "People versus Slobodan Milosevic" weren't shown at the this years film fiesta, but have been filling the streets and squares throughout the country for some time now! The filming of a domestic film "Pretty villages, pretty Tomic" is planned to begin as soon as a suitable actress, fitting the description, is found.
*Buba Svaba means cockroach, while Svaba is also a pejorative expression for Germans; Buba Morina is the Minister for the Family.