A proposal for the Council of the Deans and the Managers of the Institutes of the University in Belgrade from the session of the Vice-deans for Teaching of the schools

At the meeting of the Vice-deans for Teaching of the Schools of the University in Belgrade held on February 17th 1997. at the School of Philosophy, it was decided unanimously to present the Council of the Deans and the Managers of the Institutes of the University in Belgrade with the following proposal of

The Plan of realization of the educational responsibilities in the school year 1996/97.

  1. If the students return to classes on Monday, February 24th and do not interrupt them again, the end of this and the beginning of the next school year 1997/98. should be on November 1st 1997. The delay in the commencement of the next school year will be compensated with working on Saturdays and shortening the summer holidays.
  2. The realization plan of the remaining lectures within the terms cited under the item 1. should be made by the schools seperately, depending on the needs of their teaching process.
  3. The activities connected with the commencement of the new school year (applications for the student homes, loans etc.) should be coordinated with the beginning of the new school year, cited under the item 1.
  4. If the students do not return to classes on February 24th 1997, the anticipated beginning of the next school year should be delayed for as many days as the students' return to classes in relation to this date. In this way, 36 calender weeks will be provided for the realization of the lectures in this school year.
  5. The operation of the student homes and canteens should be provided during the summer, due to the lectures and examinations that will be held in this period.
  6. The entrance examinations should be postponed and coordinated with the school curriculum for the current school year.
  7. Taking into consideration that the beginning of a school year is defined by the Law on the University, actions should be taken to legally regulate the alteration of the terms stated in it. The school curriculum was subject to change due to the extraordinary conditions, brought about by the crisis which occured after the citizens were denied their electoral will in the second rounds of the local elections from November 17th 1996, which were the events that couldn't be influenced by the University.

The session was attended by 26 representatives of the schools. The representatives from the School of Defectology, of Economy and of the Organizational Sciences and from the School of Technical Sciences in Bor were not present.

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