The international organization for helping the media (Internationale Medienhilfe), the seat of which is in Germany, has declared Radio B-92 the best radio station in 1996.

Belgrade students gathered in front of the St. Marko Church tonight, and they went to meet the students from Nis. They are expected to arrive at Plato around 12:00.

The Confederacy of European Syndicates, the most powerful European syndical organization, condemned today the conduct of the authorities in Belgrade and expressed its "solidarity with the peaceful and mass movement, which is struggling against the violation of democratic rights in Serbia". This syndical organization consists of 57 million workers from 28 European countries.

Karl Bildt, High Commissioner of the International community for Bosnia-Herzegovina, has stated that "a catastrophe is threatening Serbia, unless the changes are introduced in a peaceful and regular manner". When asked whether Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic should be removed from power, Bildt answered that "democratic process must exist. Whoever is elected to carry out that process must bear the responsibility for fundamental decisions. Milosevic has to admit that he must step back," said Bildt.

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