
Angelina Markovic (ninam@beotel.yu)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 12:58:51 +0222

e-Bulletin No 20/ June 13, 1998 [Engl. ed. & srpsko izdanje]


> The UN Secretary General
> Memebers to the United Nations
> Memebers of the European Union

Sirs/ Madams,

World Serb Congress with distress points out to
1) the incorrect policy of double standards which
the International community applies on the territory
of former Yugoslavia and to
2) a dangerous tendency of shifting decision
making from the UN to NATO generals (NATO
engagement on the territory of Kosovo and Metohia).

1. The policy of double standards has again been
drastically exposed in the different attitude towards
the Albanian ethnic minority in the region of Kosovo
and Metohia and towards the Serbs in Croatia -
while both populations' rights ought to be solved and
based bearing in mind the same principles and the
international rules. Requesting "a special status",
"a high degree of autonomy" or even "a federal unit"
for the ethnic Albanian minority in the Province of Kosovo
and Metohia, and not requesting the same for the Serbs
in Croatia who had undergone ethnic cleansing there -
are facts which manifest an erroneous and partial policy.

If ethnic Kosovo Albanians are deprived of human
rights (although it can literally be proved that only Serbs
keep moving out of this, for centuries owned Serbian
fatherland, due to the Albanian terror), what can be said
about the human rights deprivation of the Serbs who were
massively exiled from Croatia and who now live inhumanly,
as refugees, whose houses are being set on fire and
those who return are murdered. Such policy cannot be
approved of in the same way as it cannot be accepted on
principle (the international community has not imposed
sanctions against Croatia yet), because the principles
the equality of nations (grounded on the UN Charter) are
being devastated in the same way the principles of
humanistic and democratic world are.

The international community and its most responsible
politicians have acted partially ever since the crisis in the
region of Kosovo and Metohia aggravated: prejudicing the
solution of Kosovo future by speaking about "a special
status" or "a high degree of autonomy" and the like - meant
support to the ethnic Albanian minority separatists,
worsening instead of appeasing the crisis.

The one-sided pressure on Serbia and Yugoaslavia,
imposed sanctions and threats without simultaneously
expressing unfavourable judgement on the so-called
"Liberation Army of Kosovo" as a terrorist organization -
resulted in establishing concentration camps for Serbs
and the downright insecurity for Serbian natives. The ethnic
Kosovo Albanian leaders have not condemned terroristic
actions committed every day against a sovereign state yet -
the state in which they enjoy the rights of equal citizens.

2. Instead of correcting the erroneous policy of supporting
separatism and commencing proper resolving of human
and minority rights, which would certainly lead to region
democratizatio, the international community is presently
preparing for the air force military attacks, therewith
additionally violating human rights by destroying human
lives. What should alarm the whole world is that making
decisions concerning one people's fate is shifted over to
NATO generals and their commander-in-chief, together
with the USA State Department. In point of fact this implies
suspesion of the United Nations and perhaps represents
the last step towards the annulment of the Organization of
the United Nations (the first step could have been
discerned when the expansional decisions were made
by the "Contact Group").

World Serbs Congress considers such a development of
events very dangerous, because mistakes made by
politicians cannot be corrected by generals and it also
believes that the solution to the problem and lasting peace
on the Balkan territory, cannot be accomplished by means
of bomb attacks and military force.

World Serb Congress demands from the international
community to convene The International Conference for
finding the solution for the ethnic Albanian minority rights
in the region of Kosovo and Metohia (Serbia) and the
Serbs in the Adriatic Coastal region, Knin Kraina, Western
and Eastern Slavonia (Croatia)

Rights and freedom cannot be given to one nation and
deprived the other of the same, because it would mean
making concessions to racism - the whole democratic
world fights against.

With best wishes,

For World Serb Congres

Dr Djordje Jovanovic, president

Dr Vera Bojic,
vice president

Dr Vladimir Umeljic,
vice president
Bierbeak, June 4, 1998


Svetskog sabora Srba

> Generalnom sekretaru UN
> Clanicama Ujedinjenih nacija
> Clanicama Evropske Unije


Svetski Sabor Srba sa zabrinutoscu ukazuje
(1) na pogresnu politiku duplih standarda, koju medjunarodna
zajednica primenjuje na podrucje bivse Jugoslavije, i na
(2) opasan trend prenosenja odluka iz nadleznosti UN
na generale NATO-a (angazovanje NATO na Kosovu i Metohiji) .

1. Politika duplih standarda se ponovo drasticno ispoljila
u razlicitom odnosu prema albanskoj manjini na Kosovu i
Metohiji i Srbima u Hrvatskoj — a prava obe populacije
treba da budu resena na bazi istih principa i medjunarodnih

Zahtevi za "posebnim statusom", "visokim stepenom
autonomije" ili cak "federalnom jedinicom" za Albance
na Kosovu ili Metohiji, a da se to isto ne zahteva za srpski
narod u Hrvatskoj nad kojim je sprovedeno etnicko ciscenje
— predstavlja cinjenice jedne pogresne i pristrasne politike.

Ako su kosovskim Albancima uskracena ljudska prava
(makar se iz ove srpske postojbine, zbog vekovnog terora,
sele jedino Srbi), koliko su tek ljudska prava uskracena
srpskom narodu koji je masovno proteraniz hrvatske, koji
vodi nehuman zivot u izbeglistvu, cije se kuce pale a
povratnici ubijaju.

Takva politika je neprihvatljiva isto toliko koliko je i
neprincipijelna (medjunarodna zajednica nikada nije
uvela sankcije protiv Hrvatske), posto se na takav nacin
razaraju principi ravnopravnosti naroda (utemeljeni u Povelji
UN) a i principi humanistickog demokratskog sveta.

Medjunarodna zajednica i njeni najodgovorniji politicari su,
od pocetka zaostravanja krize na Kosovu i Metohiji, istupali
pristrasno : prejudiciranje resenja buducosti Kosova
izjavama o "posebnom statusu" ili "visokom stepenu
autonomije" i slicno — znacilo je podrsku albanskim
separatistima i dovelo je do pogorsavanja umesto do
smirivanja krize.

Jednostrani pritisak na Srbiju i Jugoslaviju, sankcije i
pretnje, uz istovremeno neosudjivanje tzv. "Oslobodilacke
vojske Kosova" kao teroristicke organizacije —
rezultiralo je organizovanjem logora za Srbe, i potpunu
nesigurnost srpskoih starosedelaca. Vodje kosovskih
Albanaca nisu digli glas protiv terorista i gerilskog rata
koji albanska populacija vodi protiv suverene drzave —
u kojoj uzivaju prava ravnopravnih gradjana.

2. Umesto da koriguje pogresnu politiku podrske
separatizmu i pristupi istinskom resavanju ljudskih i
manjinskih prava, sto bi vodilo demokratizaciji regiona,
medjunarodna zajednica se priprema za primenu vojne
sile a time i za dodatno krsenje ljudskih prava
unistavanjem ljudskih zivota.

Alarmantna je, pritom, za ceo svet cinjenica da se
odluka o sudbini citavog jednog naroda, srpskog,
prepusta generalima NATO-a i njihovom vrhovnom
komandantu i Stejt departmentu. To konkretno znaci
suspendovanje Ujedinjenih nacija i mozda posledlji
korak ka ukidanju UN (prvi korak je ucinjem
ekspanzionistickim odlukama "Kontakt grupe").

Svestski Sabor smatra takav razvoj dogadjaja veoma
opasnim, jer greske politicara ne mogu ispraviti generali,
kao sto veruje da se resenje problema i trajni mir na
Balkanu ne mogu postici bombama i vojnom silom.
Svetski Sabor Srba zahteva od medjunarodne zajednice
sazivanje MeDjunarodne konferencije za reSavanje
manjinskih prava Albanaca na Kosovu i Metohiji (Srbija) i
Srba u Primorju, Kninskoj Krajini, Zapadnoj i Istocnoj
Slavoniji. (Hrvatska).

Prava i slobode se ne mogu dati jednom narodu a
drugom uskratiti, jer bi to predstavljalo ustupak
rasizmu — protiv koga se bori sav demokratski

Sa dobrim zeljama

za Svetski Sabor Srba

Dr Djordje Jovanovic

Dr Vera Bojic

Dr Vladimir Umeljic

Bierbeek, 4. jun 1998.

Bruxelles -- Heildeberg -- Bonn
* * * Iustitia regnorum fundamentum * * *
For fair use only
[FWD]: Angelina Markovic