Few words about GEA

Geographic researching association Belgrade (GID) was established on 23. august 1994. in a mountain hut on mountain Rajac, during the multidisciplinary research of Rajac. 35 researchers attended the founding assembly. Till nowdays GID has grown into establishment with 150 members forming 3 groups with many sections.

The idea about this assocation had been born several years before its realisation. Zoran Tanasijevic, dipl. geographer, coordinator of geography seminars in Petnica science center near Valjevo, tried in late 80's to form a group of capable young explorers in PSC which would be able to bring an idea of a project to its realisation and publication. He managed that in '93-'94 and it was the begining of forming today's working centreof GID.

Highschool students with various intrests were organized into a strong researching team operating in the field of physical geography. Later the interests were spread on social geography, cartography, geographic information systems, ecology... During three years our members who were then attendants of PSC, got 11 gold medals and rewards on many competitions in Yugoslavia. GID represents a result of lasting common work in PSC and every our member who has been trough PSC is aware of its great importance.

GID is non-political and non-gouverment organisation of young pepole which rose exclusively as an aspiration of young people to gather and work together things they wouldn't be able to do as individuals. As members of Young researchers of Serbia and organisation of young researchers at Belgrade University we developed a great co-operation whith these organisations.

On this years assembly GID was reorganized in a view of improving our efficiency. The number of researching groups has been diminished. Now instead of five, we have three groups, and two oher groups are now sections ofphysical geography. The number of members of executive committe has been cut down on five (president, secretary and coordinators of groups. Now the organisation of GID looks like this:

GID have three research groups with many sections operating inside. They are:

The memmbers of supervising committee are:

The members of executive committee are: