I General regulations
1. Geographic Exploring Association Belgrade (in further text Association) is social, research, educational, nonparty organization, in which individuals associate voluntarily to realize their common interest, objectives and tasks established by this Charter and by the citizens law of social organizations and associations.
2. This Charter establishes: common objectives, tasks, fields of activities, forms of organizing, membership, rights and obligations of members, organs and bodies, duration terms of office, organs and bodies and functionaries, supervision over the activities of organs and bodies, program of activities, the way of publication of activities, the procedure of formatting the Charter, modifications and supplements of the Charter as well as other regulations important for realization of relations establishing among members.
3. Full name of the Association is Geographic Exploring Association Belgrade (Geografsko istra`iva~ko dru{tvo Beograd). Headquarters of the Association is in Belgrade. The Association acts in the region of Federate Republic of Yugoslavia.
4. The Association is a legal subject and has rights, obligations and responsibilities regulated by the Constitution, laws and this Charter. The Executive Committee which is a collective executive organ, President of the Association and the Secretary of the Association represent the Association, and in case of avertion of them, the member of the Executive Committee assigned by the Executive Committee.
II Objective and Assignments
5. Activities of the Association express various and concrete interests of young people for scientific research with objective to extend their knowledge about nature and environment on the basis of science and culture, and therefore contribute to development of the Association and science. The Association cooperates with all organized subjects and individuals interested in development of scientific research of youngsters including new movements. Young people voluntarily join the Association and act on basis of interest for scientific research.
6. Objectives of the Association are: - creating conditions for realizing research programs, and dedication for their adequate verification and affirmation, - stimulating (urging), training and advanced studying of young people for scientific research, - popularization of science research among young, - to contribute development and popularization of science, - developing cooperation with similar organizations in the country and in the world.
7. The Objectives of the Association are realized through: - improving and enriching the content and aspects of research work, - appropriate informative, publishing and advertising actions, - cooperation with other organizations interested educational, cultural and business institutions in our country and abroad.
III Programs and Activities
8. The Association constitutes an annual agenda of activities, on the Assembly every year. The Association realizes its activities by: - scientific and educational activities of the Association, - organizing continuos theoretical and practical work of members. Theoretical work is organized on meetings, lectures and seminars, while practical work is done on terrain through direct contact with objects of research.
9. Objectives and Assignments of the Association are realized through research programs. Research programs are realized through projects, schools, seminars, camps, expeditions, actions etc.
IV Membership
10. Any person who accepts the Charter and program objectives of the Association, and who decides to take an active part in their organization and realization, can become a member of the Association.
11. All members of the Association have the same rights and obligations.
12. Elementary rights and duties of a member are: - to organize and perform activities according to his/her own choice and interests for research work, - to ask questions and make suggestions to organs of the Association which reefer to his/her work, and to seek for the answers, - to work on popularization of the organization, - to make program of the Association more diverse interesting, useful and ample, avoiding stereotypes and murishing initiative complying with interests shown by the members, - to actively take part in work of the Association and its organs in specifying programs, contents of work and their realization, - to suggest, vote or be voted for the organ of the Association, - to be informed about material, financial dealing, - to keep reputation and property of the Association, - to realize all other rights and duties that derive from this Charter and other normative acts of the Association.
13. For outstanding devotion, commitment and results achieved in research work, the Association may enlogize and award a prize to its members and to groups and individuals who don't belong to the Association.
14. An individual can stop being a member of the Association by stepping out, erasing from the record or expelling. A member is being erased from the record if, in certain period, he/she makes unexcused absence in activities of the Association. A member is being expelled if he/she acts opposite to the program or breaks this Charter. A member who was erased from the record or expelled, has a right to appeal to the Assembly of the Association.
V Organization
15. The members of the Association can be organized in research groups, which are the basic aspect of organization of activities, according to the program of the Association.
16. A group must have an annual agenda, which is brought once a year. A group reports about its work annually.
17. The Association can contact and cooperate with other similar organizations in order to stimulate activities and strengthen cooperation.
VI Publicity of work
18. The work of the Association is public. The Association is obligated to make its work public and inform its members in time, as well as to allow them insight in realizing objectives and assignments, their activity and using of funds.
19. The Association may publish newspapers, collections of work, monographs etc. in order to inform public and to supply its members with more information.
VII Organs and Legislative Bodies of the Association
20. The highest organ of the Association is the Assembly. All members constitute the Assembly.
21. The Assembly of the Association gathers when necessary and at least once a year and it performs following: - establishes the program and discuss its realization - discusses how the Charter is carried out (put into a practice) - suggests the candidates for the functions of Chairman and Secretary of the Association - considers the appeals, objections and complains - establishes the procedure of its activities.
22. The Assembly of the Association makes valid decisions when two thirds majority of the members are present.
23. The Assembly meets at least once a year.
24. The Assembly can be convoted by the Executive Committee in period of 15 days after decision about organizing the Assembly. The Assembly can also be convoted by: - Supervising Committee - research group - the Chairman of the Association - one third of the membership If the Executive Committee does not convote the Assembly in time, it will be convoted by the person(s) who suggested and recording to the gathering procedure.
25. The Assembly performs the following: - establishes the Charter and announces the decisions about its modifications and supplements - elects the organs of the Association according to the suggestions of members of the groups, the Executive Committee and members of the Association - constitutes the annual agenda of the Association - makes decisions about consolidating the Association - elects its representatives for other organizations - establishes the procedure of its activities - makes general acts - acts according to the activities of the Association settled by the Charter and the law If necessary, the Assembly ca authorize the Executive Committee to makes decisions on behalf of the Assembly.
26. The Assembly validly decides when a two third majority of the members is present. The decisions are made by majority (50%+ 1 vote), of votes of members present, public voting, unless the Assembly decides otherwise. If the majority is not present on the Assembly, the meeting is to be delayed, and another one is to be called in a period of 15 days.
27. The Assembly can form working groups, bodies, commissions etc., for performing certain activities and tasks, aspects of acting and other things of importance for the activities of these bodies are settled.
VIII The Organs of the Assembly
28. The organs of the Assembly are: - the Executive Committee - the Supervising Committee
The Executive Committee
29. The Executive Committee is a collective executive organ of the Assembly. The Executive Committee consists of 11 members.
30. The Executive Committee is elected by the Assembly. Every research group has its representative in E.C. The term of office of members of the E.C. lasts one year with the possibility of being reelected. Number of times of reelection is unlimited. The Assembly elects the Chairman of the Association who presides the sessions of the E.C., as well as the Secretary of the Association who instantly becomes a member of the Executive Committee. Terms of office of Chairman and the Secretary of the Association lasts one year with the possibility of being reelected unlimited number of times. The Chairman with the members of the E.C. response to the Assembly for his activities as well as for the activities of the E.C.
31. The E.C. performs the following: - carries out decisions, conclusions and recommendations of the Assembly - initiates modifications and supplements of the Charter as well as writing other enactment which are verified by the Assembly - follows the activities of other organs and makes suggestions for the improvement of their work - cooperates with other organizations, institutions and individuals - manages the property of the Association as well as financial transactions of the Association - finds solutions to problems if authorized by the Assembly.
32. The E.C. is connoted by the Chairman (in case of his absence - the Secretary of the Committee) who directs its activities. The sessions are called when necessary and at least monthly. The E.C. validly decides if two third majority of members of the Committee is present. The decisions are made by majority (50%+ 1 vote) of members of the Committee.
33. All the members of the E.C. have same rights and responsibilities, and they are directly engaged in realization of the Charter of the Association, tasks and decisions of Assembly.
34. The E.C. forms permanent and temporary working bodies.
The Supervising Committee
35. The Assembly forms the Supervising Committee in order to control the activities of organs and bodies of the Association. The activities of S.C., which consists of 3 members, is directed by its president, elected by the Committee among its members.
36. The S.C. controls: - realization of the Charter and other enactment - financial transactions of the Association - managing the property of the Association - realization of decisions and conclusions - performs other activities authorized by the Assembly
37. In order to fulfill its obligations, the S.C. has access to documentation and other papers of importance for establishing the facts.
IX Funds of the Association
38. The Association can provide financial and material resources: - from donations - by its own activities, directly performing economic and other social activities (according to the law) - from research programs participant fee - by help, donations and gifts of individuals and organizations - from incomes obtained on the basis of the property by the Association - from other sources obtained on the basis of contracts or other lawful business.
39. Financial transactions of the Association are managed on the basis of regulations and financial plans of Association.
X Publishing, Economic and other Social Activities
40. The Association can be engaged in publishing, economic and other social activities.
41. The Association can establish public companies which aim is to provide material resources necessary for organs and bodies to perform their functions.
XI Modifications and Supplements of the Charter
42. Modifications and supplements of the Charter can be suggested by all the members, organs and bodies of the Association. The suggestions are considered by the Executive Committee which informs members about their decision.
XII Discontinuance of the Activities of the Association
43. The decision about discontinuing the activities is made by members of the Assembly if suggested by an organ or a body of the Association.
44. In case of discontinuing the activities of the Association, further managing the property is to be determined. If the activities of the Association are terminated without the decision of the Assembly, the property is to be delivered to the Assembly of the city of Belgrade.
45. If the Association discontinues its activities, the Chairman of the Association is obligated to rapport it to competent authority who is erasing Association from evidence.