Sta sadrzi i kako mozete nabaviti


|Blagoslov|  |Misljenje Ministarstva|   |Recenzija|  |Narudzbenica|

Uz blagoslov manastira Hilandar i uz pomoc Biblioteke Srpske patrijarsije Studio A je uradio prvi CD ROM o Srpskoj Carskoj lavri - manastiru Hilandar na Svetoj Gori. CD ROM je uradjen u cirilicnom i latinicnom pismu srpskog jezika. Preveden je na engleski (britanski i americki), nemacki, ruski i francuski jezik, a u planu su prevodi na grcki, japanski i kineski jezik.

Scenario autora CD ROM-a Milana Grujica osmisljen je tako da se kroz multimedijalni dozivljaj (slika, rec i ton) predstave svih dvadeset manastira Svete Gore i njeno administrativno sediste Kareja. Posebno su prikazani arhitektonski objekti Hilandara (fotografije objekata i arhitektonski planovi), kulturno blago Hilandara (po grupama: ikone, freske i ostala blaga), velika cuda Svete Gore i cudotvorne hilandarske ikone, vladari iz svetorodne loze Nemanjica i karte sa starim granicama srpskih zemalja, Sveti Sava i mapa Savinih putovanja.

CD ROM sadrzi katalog hilandarskog blaga prikazanog na izlozbi "Blago Svete Gore", koja je odrzana u Solunu 1997. godine. Za ovaj CD ROM je napravljena i prva video igrica pitalica edukativnog karaktera koja je vezana za pravoslavlje. 

Uvodni ekran predstavlja sliku Hilandara. Preko slike je kratak tekst koji korisnika upoznaje sa ciljem i sadrzajem CD ROM-a. Na ekranu su tri ikonice: za izbor jezika, za start i za izlaz.

Korisnicki ekran ima cetiri video zapisa (dva o Hilandaru i po jedan o Solunu - gradu domacinu izlozbe "Blago Svete Gore" i Svetoj Gori), kao i jedanaest aktivnih ikonica: interaktivna mapa Atosa, arhitektura Hilandara, svetorodna loza Nemanjica, hilandarska riznica, cuda Svete Gore i cudotvorne ikone Hilandara, katalog solunske izlozbe, video igrica, izbor jezika, muzika, korak nazad, o CD ROM-u, izlaz.
Interaktivna mapa Svete Gore. Preko ovog ekrana korisnik moze da aktivira sliku i tekst o svakom od dvadeset svetogorskih manastira, svetogorskom sedistu Kareji, kao i kartu Evrope na kojoj je oznacen polozaj poluostrva Atos.

Ekran Hilandara. Preko ovog ekrana korisnik moze da aktivira video-zapis o unutrasnjosti Hilandara. Iz ovog ekrana se ulazi u arhitekturu hilandarskih objekata i planove svih gradjevina.

Objekte Hilandara korisnik upoznaje preko fotografija i propratnih tekstova. Redosled njihovog pojavljivanja prati put od hilandarskog pristanista do hilandarske riznice. Postoji mogucnost automatskog prelistavanja.
Planovi hilandarskih objekata. Korisnik moze pregledati precizne gradjevinske planove cetrdeset cetiri hilandarska objekta. Postoji mogucnost njihovog dvostepenog uvecanja. Ekran hilandarske riznice upoznaje korisnika sa ikonama, freskama i ostalim blagom Hilandara. Blago je poredjano hronoloski, a u okviru toga azbucnim redom. Postoji mogucnost dvostepenog uvecanja.

Ekran Solunski katalog opisuje hilandarsko blago predstavljeno na izlozbi "Blago Svete Gore" u Solunu 1997. godine. Klikom na ikonicu u gornjem uglu pojavljuje se prikaz panorame Soluna i kratki istorijat ovog grada, koji je proglasen kulturnom prestonicom Evrope za 1997. godinu.

Ekran Svetorodna loza Nemanjica upoznaje korisnika sa svim vladarima iz dinastije Nemanjica i prvim srpskim arhiepiskopom - Svetim Savom. Mogu se pregledati freske sa portretima Nemanjica iz ostalih srpskih manastira, mape granica srpskih zemalja iz perioda svakog od njih, kao i mapa Savinih putovanja u Svetu Zemlju
EkranCuda Atosa i cudotvorne ikone Hilandara. Na ovom ekranu predstavljeni su bunar Svetog Save Srpskog i loza Svetog Simeona, hilandarska Bogorodica Trojerucica, kao i jos sedam cudotvornih ikona.
Hilandarsko blago je ogromno i neprocenjivo, da bi smo ga lakse opisali, razvrstali smo ga u tri grupe: ikone, freske i ostala blaga. Sve fotografije se mogu dvostepeno uvecavati (zumirati), +AWE-to ce vam omoguciti da ih proucite do najsitnijih detalja; a to do sada sigurno niste mogli, cak iako ste hodocastili u Hilandar ili posetili solunsku izlozbu "BLAGO SVETE GORE"
Azbucnikdaje korisniku objasnjenja pojedinih reci i pojmova koji se pojavljuju u tekstovima. NJime su obuhvaceni arhaizmi, strucni izrazi vezani za istoriju umetnosti, kao i teoloske lekseme. 

Igrica. Za CD ROM "Sveta Gora - osam vekova Hilandara loza Nemanjica" napravljena je prva video igrica pitalica edukativnog karaktera, koja je vezana za pravoslavlje. Uparujuci imena srpskih vladara sa njihovim portretima na freskama, prepoznajuci hilandarske ikone i imenujuci ostalo blago Hilandara, na zabavan nacin se uci, ili upotpunjuje znanje, o srpskoj istoriji i kulturnoj proslosti.


U ime Oca i Sina i Svetoga Duha blagosilja se delo Fonda za zastitu duhovnog nasledja AETOS, CD ROM (kompakt disk) o Svetoj Gori, nasoj svetinji Hilandaru, lozi Nemanjica, hilandarskom blagu i relikvijama izlozenim u Solunu.

Raduje nas sto je ovo delo, kao prvo u nizu slicnih, sacinjeno na vreme, kao uvod u pripreme za veliko slavlje - obelezavanje 800- godisnjice manastira Hilandara. Verujemo da ce CD ROM, kao najsavremenije sredstvo medijskog komuniciranja, obici ceo svet i prikazati verno velicinu naseg duhovnog nasledja.

Gospodinu Milanu Grujicu, autoru ovog znacajnog dela, pruzamo punu podrsku da u narednom periodu jos sveobuhvatnije obradi na kompakt diskovima najvrednija dela nase duhovne istorijske i kulturne bastine.

Ocekujemo da ce Fond za zastitu duhovnog nasledja AETOS svojim aktivnostima doprineti da se obelezavanje 800 godisnjice nase svetinje Hilandara obavi kako to dolikuje...

U Hilandaru 16. juli 1997. leta Gospodnjega
Potpisao monah Vasilije
Overio advokat Dusan P. Dimitrijevic



Multimedijalni kompakt disk pod nazivom "Sveta Gora - osam vekova Hilandara i loza Nemanjica" koji je uradjen sa blagoslovom manastira Hilandara i u saradnji sa Bibliotekom Srpske patrijarsije ima veliki znacaj za nasu kulturu i srpski narod u celini. Zbog teme koju obradjuje, njenog obima kao i savremenog nacina na koji je ona tretirana CD ROM je pogodan za koriscenje u nastavi istorije, istorije umetnosti, likovnog obrazovanja, srpskog jezika i knjizevnosti, stranih jezika i informatike. Ministarstvo prosvete preporucuje skolama, narocito skolskim bibliotekama, da ga koriste u nastavi za njeno unapredjivanje i osavremenjivanje.

Prof. dr Jovo Todorovic (ministar prosvete)
20. februar 1998.
broj: 42097.057/11



Imao sam veliku srecu da upoznam sadrzaj vasega projekta "CD ROM Manastir Hilandar" a sada imam jos vecu cast da prijatni i vrijedni dozivljaj toga sadrzaja ekspliciram rijecima.

Program koji predlazete radoznaloj paznji modernoga covjeka XXI vijeka predstavlja prizmicni uvid u dubine osmovjekovne +IBM- kad je u pitanju manastir Hilandar, i jos dublje +IBM- kad su u pitanju stariji manastiri Svete Gore, toga vrta ili perivoja presvete Bogorodice +IBM- i uvid u vremeplovne panoramske sirine +IBM- ispunjene su, pored predmetnih sadrzaja, kultnih i kulturnih, i njegovom dusom +IBM- duhovnoscu i toplinom pravoslavlja. Zato ovo nijesu naknadno ozivljene muzealije, nego neuveli izdanci i neposredni dah zivota koji doseze u ravan XX vijeka iz dubine srednjovekovlja.

Plemenita loza srpske kulture u Hilandaru se nakalemila na vaseljensko pravoslavlje, negovano u klimi vizantijske mnogonarodne imperije, pa je u svome zametku, odnosno nakalemljivanju +IBM- i davala od sebe i primala u sebe, postajuci tako jos vise plemenita i siroko izvjesna. Ovo svjedoce predmeti, stihovi, likovi, boje, ornamenti, melodije, arhitektura... i sve to multimedijalno i stereodimenzionalno pratimo na vasem projektu. Ovo je, kao i ukupan ambijent, usloznjeno i tece kanalima razlicitih "dijalekata" saopstavanja +IBM- slike, tona, ritma, reljefa, boje... i sve to, opet, umnozeno prevodima na strane jezike, kako bi neobavjesteni stranac, bez ocekivanja posrednicke interpretacije, stekao pravo iskustvo i saznanje o srpskoj kulturi koju +IBM- to svak mora da prizna +IBM- krase najljepse osobine.

Kako ce o nama neobavjesteni stranac steci odredjeno saznanje iz prve ruke ako mu ga mi sami ne prevedemo i tako objasnimo, primakavsi ga polju njegove paznje? Na taj nacin Fond zaista stiti nase duhovno blago od neznanja stranaca i zaborava nas samih , i obratno +IBM- stiti strance i nase nove narastaje od siromastva neznanja i praznoga cutanja o ovima neprolaznim vrijednostima...

Protojerej prof. dr Dimitrije Kalezic 
(dekan Bogoslovskog fakulteta Srpske pravoslavne crkve)
4. decembra 1997. na Vavedenje presvete Bogorodice


Nasa ideja je zastita srpskog kulturnog nasledja kroz ocuvanje srpskog vizuelnog identitea.
Cilj nam je da bogatsvo srpske kulturne riznice predstavimo na elektronskim medijima.

Pri Fondu smo osnovali dizajnersko-programerski Studio A. U saradnji sa njim objavili smo CD ROM "Sveta Gora, Hilandar, loza Nemanjica".

AETOS je grcka rec i znaci "orao". Dvoglavi orao je bio heraldicki simbol nemanjicke dinastije. Zbog toga smo ga uzeli za logo Fonda.

Kontakt adresa:
Kraljevica Marka 9, Beograd
tel. ++38- 11 181 477, 182 320, 185 270, 620 276
faks ++38- 11 623 150



|Opinion of the ministry|   |The blessing|   |Review|   |Order form|

With the blessing of the Chilandar Monastery and help of the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, Studio A has produced its first CD ROM about the Serbian Royal Lavra - the Monastery of Chilandar on Mount Athos. The CD ROM was produced both in Cyrillic and Latin scripts of the Serbian language. It was translated into English (British and American versions), German and Russian languages, and will soon appear also in French, Greek, Japanese and Chinese.

Scenario written by Milan Grujic, the author of CD ROM, was conceived to present via multimedia (picture, written word and sound) all the twenty monasteries of Mount Athos, as well as its administrative centre Karyes. Special presentations were made of the architectural objects of Chilandar (pictures and architectural plans of the objects), cultural treasure of Chilandar (classified in groups: icons, frescoes and other treasure), big miracles of Mount Athos and Chilandar miracle-working icons, rulers of the sacrosanct Nemanyich dynasty and maps of the old frontiers of the Serbian lands, St Sava and the map of Sava+IBk-s journeys.

CD ROM contains a catalogue of Chilandar treasure, presented at the exhibition "The Treasure of Mount Athos", in Salonika, in 1977. The first educational video-game quiz related to Orthodoxy, was especially made for this CD ROM. 

Introductory Monitor presents the picture of Chilandar. There is a short text across the picture, informing the User about the aim and contents of the CD ROM. There are three icons displayed: for choice of language, for start and for exit.

User+IBk-s Monitor contains four video-recordings (two about Chilandar, one about Salonika, the host city of the exhibition "The Treasure of Mount Athos", and one about Mount Athos), as well as eleven active icons: the interactive map of Athos, architecture of Chilandar, sacrosanct Nemanyich dynasty, Chilandar treasury, miracles of Mount Athos and the miracle-working icons of Chilandar,catalogue of the Salonika exhibition, video-game, choice of language, music, one step back, about CD ROM, exit.
Interactive Map of Mount Athos By means of this icon the User can activate the picture and text about each of the twenty Athonite monasteries, as well as the map of Europe indicating the whereabouts of the Athos peninsula.

Monitor of Chilandar By means of this icon the User can activate the video-recording of the Chilandar interior. It also serves as an entrance into the architecture of Chilandar buildings, offering all of their plans.

Chilandar Objects The User gets acquainted with the Chilandar objects through pictures and accompanying texts. Their presentation starts at the Chilandar harbour and follows the road all the way to the Chilandar treasury. There is a possibility of automatic repagination.
Plans of Chilandar Objects The User can examine precise architectural plans of forty four Chilandar objects. There is a possibility of doubling the size. The Chilandar Treasury monitor introduces icons, frescoes and other Chilandar treasure. The treasure has been classified by alphabetical and chronological orders, and can be zoomed to double size.

Monitor of the Salonika Catalogue describes the Chilandar treasure presented at the exhibition "The Treasure of Mount Athos" in Salonika, in 1997. A click on the icon brings forward a panoramic view of Salonika, as well as a short history of the city, which was nominated the cultural capital of Europe in 1997.

Monitor of the Sacrosanct Nemanyich Dynasty introduces the User to all the rulers of the Nemanyich dynasty, and the first Serbian archbishop - St Sava. Frescoes portraying the Nemanyich family members, which were painted in other Serbian monasteries, can be seen here, too, as well as the maps of the frontiers of Serbian lands related to each one of the rulers, including the map of Sava+IBk-s journeys to the Holy Land.
The Monitor of the Miracles of Mount Athosand the Miracle - working Icons of Chilandar. This monitor presents the Well of St Sava the Serb, and the vine of St Symeon, the Chilandar Virgin Troyeruchitsa (of the Three Hands), as well as seven more miracle-working icons.
Chilandar Treasure is enormous and invaluable. In order to have it properly described, we have divided it into three groups: icons, frescoes and other treasure. All photographs can be zoomed to double size, which will make it possible for you to study them down to the smallest detail. You have probably not been able to do so even if you made a pilgrimage to Chilandar or visited the Salonika Exhibition "The Treasure of Mount Athos".
The Glossary gives the User an explanation of certain words and less familiar terms appearing in the text. It includes archaisms, scientific terms related to Art History, as well as theological terms. 

Video - Game The first video-game quiz of educational character related to Orthodoxy was made especially for the CD ROM "Mount Athos - Eight Centuries of Chilandar and the Nemanyich Dynasty". One can learn or extend one+IBk-s knowledge about the Serbian history and cultural past in an amusing way, by linking the names of the Serbian rulers to their portraits on the frescoes, by recognizing the Chilandar icons or by naming other Chilandar treasures.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the deed of the Fund for the Protection of Spiritual Heritage, AETOS, a CD ROM (compact disk) about the Holy Mountain, our sacred Chilandar, the Nemanyich Dynasty, Chilandar treasure and relics exhibited in Salonika is herewith blessed. 

We rejoice at this deed being the first in line, made on time, as an introduction to the great feast - the 800th Anniversary of the Chilandar Monastery. We believe that this CD ROM, as the contemporary means of media communication, will go around the world, showing the true grandeur of our spiritual heritage. 

We fully support Mr. Milan Grujic, author of this significant product, to prepare on CDs, within the period to come, an even more elaborate study of the most valuable works of our spiritual, historical and cultural heritage.

We expect the Fund for the Protection of Spiritual Heritage to contribute by its activities so that the 800th Anniversary of our sacred Chilandar would be marked in a proper way . . .

At Chilandar, July 16, 1997 AD
Signed by Monk Vassili
Certified by the lawyer Dusan P. Dimitrijevic


The multimedia compact disk under the title "Mount Athos - Eight Centuries of Chilandar and the Nemanyich Dynasty", produced with the blessing of the Chilandar Monastery, in cooperation with the Library of the Serbian Patriarchate, has a great significance for our culture and for the Serbian people in general. Due to the theme it deals with, its volume and modern treatment, CD ROM is suitable for use in teaching of History, Art History, Art, Serbian language and literature, foreign languages and Information technology. The Ministry of Education highly recommends this disk to schools, particularly to school libraries, in order to help the teaching become more advanced and contemporary.

Prof, Dr Jovo Todorovic (Minister of Education)
February 20, 1998
No: 42097.057/11


I have been very lucky to get acquainted with the contents of your project "CD ROM Chilandar Monastery", and I feel even more honoured being offered to explain in words the pleasant and valuable experience. 

The programme that you offer to the attention and curiosity of the contemporary man of the 21st century, represents a prismatic inspection into the eight-centuries depths of Chilandar, and even further when referring to the older monasteries of Mount Athos, the garden of the Holy Virgin. It is also an inspection into time-machine panoramic widths, filled not only with cult and cultural contents, but also with the very soul of Chilandar - with spirituality and warmth of Orthodoxy. Therefore, these are not revived museum issues, but perennial sprouts and immediate breath of life reaching the 20th century from the medieval depths. The noble lineage of the Serbian culture in Chilandar had grafted onto the universal Orthodoxy, which was cherished throughout the multinational Byzantine Empire. While grafting, it both received and gave away, thus becoming even more noble and well-known. It is testified to by objects, verses, images, colours, ornaments, tunes, architecture . . . all of which can be followed in your project, done in multimedia and stereo - dimensional technique. The presentation, as well as the whole ambience is diverse and flows through channels of different "dialects" of communication - picture, sound, rhythm, relief, colour . . . all of it translated into other languages, so that an uninformed foreigner could properly, without interpretation of a mediator, experience and become aware of the Serbian culture which - one must admit - can boast a number of the best qualities. 

How could an uninformed foreigner acquire certain knowledge about us, if we do not translate and explain it ourselves, in order to attract his attention? By doing so the Fund truly protects out spiritual treasure from ignorance of foreigners and from our own oblivion. And vice versa - it protects foreigners and our own new generations against poverty of ignorance and void silence about imperishable values. . . 

Prof. Dr. Dimitrije Kalezic
(Dean of the Theological Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox Church)
December 4, 1997, on the day of the Presentation of the Mother of God

Contact adress:
Kraljevica Marka 9, Beograd
phone ++38- 11 181 477, 182 320, 185 270, 620 276
fax ++38- 11 623 150