For everything I'm trying to tell about, there is only one standard, one measure - the pin. 
  But with what indifference, what scorn the great majority regard it. Under my magnifying glass its sting grows, becomes deeper and the pain lasts longer; under the glass the sting of a pin becomes - the stab of a knife. 
  I believe the people who underrate it most are those whose bodies become too diluted. A pin is insignificant to them because it neither causes them any trouble, nor gives them any pain. My body is concentrated, id say, filled up. Bach of these seemingly minute, yet very sharp stings, is a vicious disease, suffering, an entire explosion . 
  A stab of a sword or of any other long, sharp weapon causes painful death to others, while for me it's only a much needed relief, an outlet. 
  My magnifying glass is only a useless gadget then, which doesn't penetrate far enough and cannot epitomize what is happening around it.