Mile Ristovich Poetry  continuation
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Shadows play
Relentlessly grooving the light
Rain arrives
Grass whispers
Lightning swirls in the hills
These are Gods prints
Reflected in the eye 
of a feathered being
A poem is born
Through which races 
the fate of the wind
On a rainbows which 
unites two different world's



Igraju senke
Neiscrpno brazdaju svetlost
Dolazi kisa 
Trava sapuce
Munja u vrtlog bregova
U stopu bozju
U zenici velike tice
Pesma se radja
I tece sudbinu vetra
U dugi izmedju dva polusveta


Nature remembers all secrets 
Water with its rushing current 
forgets them 
Man is like water 
To whom do I turn? 
The water or the earth 
The lessons of Zeus forgotten 
Birds singing 
Without knowing ones own Homer 
You cannot capture his essence 
Time's shape is that of two circles 
One being a dream 
The other an endless secret 
The first one I forget 
before the kiss of dawn 
The other I lose my way
While writing verses 
which dreams are made of 



Priroda pamti sve tajne 
Voda ih zaboravlja 
Covek je kao voda 
Kome da se obratim 
Vodi ili zemlji 
Zaboravljeno Zevsovo ucenje 
Pevaju tice 
Bez svog Homera 
Ne mozemo znati njegovu sustinu 
Oblik vremena je doticanje dva kruga 
Jedan je san, drugi beskrajna tajna 
Prvi sam zaboravio pred zoru 
U drugom sam zalutao 
Ispisujuci stihove koji se sanjaju 



From deep in the cosmos comes the word, 
In the mighty flames of the sun,
Unfamiliar worlds and flowers, 
It disappears in the speed of the wind. 
And I still learn how to read, 
Looking, listening and writing, 
I file away certain days in my memory 
Look for a rhythm to my passions 
Analyze love, 
Walk under clouds and rainbows 
Believe in the dreams of Gilles Vern 
The intuition of Kafka 
The verse of Homer 
And vote for peace,
The people and birds


Duboko u kosmos dosegla rec 
U plamenu sunca sile umne 
Svetovi i cvetovi 
Nestaju brzinom vetra 
A ja i dalje ucim da citam 
Gledam,slusam i pisem 
Ostavljam poneki dan u pamcenje 
Tra`im ritmicki izraz strasti 
Tumacim ljubav 
Prolazim ispod oblaka i duge 
Verujem u snove Zila Verna 
Predosecanja Kafke 
U stih Homera 
I glasam za slobodu 
Coveka i tice


In the mirror of water
I compose you
From the laughter of stars

In the veil of gentle mist
I compose you
From the rainbow

Into the soft silver of the Moon
I composeyou
From dreams

Into the dark flower
I compose you
From memories



U ogledalu od vode
Ja sricem tebe
Od smeha zvezda

U velu nezne magle 
Ja sricem tebe
Od duge

U meko srebro meseca
Ja sricem tebe
Od snova

U tamni cvet
Ja sricem tebe 
Od uspomena

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