Photo Essay by Dushan Drakulich:

The Years of Entanglement:

Yugoslavia 1981-1990

Godine Zapleta:

Jugoslavija 1981-1990

The color of this background was selected for test purposes only. If you can't stand it, or are offended by its usage, then this essay is not for you. Please either return to my home page, or do something about it!

The following pages contain material which may be harmful to your stomach, and/or devastating to your nice memories, if any...

Ovakva boja pozadine izabrana je namerno, u svrhu testiranja posetilaca. Ako je ne podnosite, ili ste pak uvredqeni ovakvom njenom upotrebom, ovo wto sledi nije za vas. Vratite se na home page. Ili preduzmite newto!

Stranice koje slede sadrxe materijal od koga vam lako moxe pozliti. Takodqe mogu biti pogubne i za eventualne preostale lepe uspomene...

Leva vrata ne Muzeju Revolucije i ... Rdjavi ljudi idu desno; Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1983 Desna vrata na Muzeju Revolucije i ...
For those of you who decide to proceed, please note that all the images you'll see here originated directly from my original 35mm slides and negatives taken during the period 1981-1990. No image altering (photo tricks) took place. Vi, koji ste se hrabro odluyili da nastavite, znajte da sve slike koje qete ovde videti potiyu direktno sa 35mm slajdova i negativa koje sam snimio u periodu 1981-1990. Nikakve foto-montaxe nisu radqene.
Miticeva rupa na Slaviji, Beograd 1987 Vijorenje zastava na Terazijama; Beograd 1986
So, enjoy (if you can)... Uxivajte sada (ako moxete)...



Images on this and the following Web pages are copyrighted©. Author reserves all rights, including the right to remain silent.

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