The Years Of Entanglement: Godine Zapleta:
Yugoslavia 1981-1990

a Photo Essay by Dushan Drakulich

All Rights Reserved ©




"Gradqani! Ako ste u liynoj opasnosti, primjequjete pojavu ili djelatnost koja ugroxava ljudske xivote, materijalna dobra, mir gradqana, ili je pak wtetna po bezbjednost naweg samoupravnog druwtva, javite opwtinskom centru za obavjewtavanje Budva; Telefon 985 i 41-690 Centar radi neprekidno 24 sata"

"Citizens! If you are in personal danger, or if you notice an event or activity that jeopardizes human lives or material goods, disturbs citizens, or is bad for our self-managed society, call the County Emergency Center Budva; Telephones 985 and 41-690; Center operates 24 hours"

Zbirovi napred!

1987. Petrovac na Moru, Montenegro

Zivela SFRJ u zatvoru    
"Xivela SFRJ - zajednica ravnopravnih naroda i narodnosti…U Zatvoru… Plewite kao sto Evropa plewe…lewite kao sto Evropa plewe"

"Long Live SFRJ - community of equal ethnic groups...In Prison... Dance as Europe dances... Beat-up as Europe dances"

1986. Belgrade, Serbia

  Skulptura ispred Instituta za Ispitivanje Materijala
Leva vrata   Skulptura ispred ulaza u Institut za Ispitivanje Materijala

A statue guards the entrance to the Materials Testing Institute

1989. Belgrade, Serbia

Levo krilo vrata ulaza u zgradu Muzeja Revolucije, gde su i druge korisne institucije, kao "Institut za Medqunarodni Radniyki Pokret", "Institut za Savremenu Istoriju"(?), "OOUR Nov.Izd. Delatnosti Aktuelna Pitanja Socijalizma" i "OOUR Nov.Izd. Delatnosti Socijalizam"

Entrance (the door's left wing) to the building housing The Museum of The Revolution, and some other useful institutions like "The Institute for the International Workers Movement", "The Institute for Contemporary History" (?), "The Publishing House of 'The Current Issues of Socialism'", "The Publishing House of 'The Socialism'" ...

1989. Belgrade, Serbia

  Desna vrata
Bioskop ima agregat   Desno krilo istih vrata, sa varijacijama upotrebe reyi "Komunist": (1) K*K* Novinsko-Izdavayka Radna Organizacija, (2) OOUR Novinsko Izdavayke Delatnosti, Redakcija Svih Izdanja Lista K*, (3) OOUR Izdavayke Delatnosti, Izdavacki Centar K*, (4) Radna Zajednica Za Zajedniyke Poslove NIRO K*

and the publishing house "Communist" mutants on the same door's right wing,

1989. Belgrade, Serbia

"Movie Theatre Has a Generator"

1983. Belgrade, Serbia

  Stedimo el. energiju
Automobil-testera   Pepeljara-kanta za otpatke-prepreka za pokretne stepenice

"We are conserving electricity - thank you for being considerate" - a message on an ashtray positioned at the very entrance to a department store escalator

1981. Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina



1988. Titograd (Podgorica), Montenegro

  Rdjavi ljudi idu desno
Zasticeno zakonom od zena i ljudi   Rdqavi ljudi idu desno

Coroded people go right

1983. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Zakonom Zawtiqeno od xena i ljudi

Protected by Law from women and men

1986. Rezevici Monastery, Montenegro


(1) Overture

(2) Preservation

(3) Conservation

(4) The Big Words

(5) The Big Guy

(6) The Next Big Guy

For questions or comments please E-mail me

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